Team Brady
Young Life Malawi
We would be honored if you would partner with us through prayer and financial support in this mission. There are a few ways to give:​
Give Online
Area Account/Mission Unit: X471
Account Name: Malawi - Brady
Send a Check
Payable to: Young Life
Memo: X471 - Brady
Mail to: Zack Brady - Malawi YL
PO Box 5772
Columbia SC 29250
2022-2023 Projected Budget
Salary + Benefits: $85,930
Operating Expenses: $15,000
Training/Travel: $14,300
Total: $115,230
Monthly Goals Annual Total
2 $1,000/mo $24,000
4 $500/mo $24,000
6 $250/mo $18,000
10 $150/mo $18,000
10 $100/mo $12,000
20 $50/mo $12,000
30 $20/mo $7,200
82 $9600/mo $115,200